Celebrate Dia de los Muertos with us!
Join us on October 30th as we celebrate Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). Come and celebrate this Mexican holiday while enjoying some traditional foods. Bring the whole family as the Disney movie, Coco will also be shown. Program starts at noon.
Library Events
Craft Exchange
The Ripley Library will host a Craft Exchange this coming Saturday on October 16 at 10 am. Bring your unused craft items (yarn, beads, paints, material, plastic canvas etc.) and exchange them for other craft items that you could use. We do not want completed projects. ...
Let your voice be heard!
Calling all library users: The CCLS Social Responsibility Task Force is looking for your thoughts on what topics to consider when ordering books. Please take this short 7 question anonymous survey and let your voice be heard. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/diversityinbooks If you have any questions or if you’d...
Local authors night: Robyn Albright and Mary Ellen Humphrey
Our Local Authors night was well attended as Robyn Albright and Mary Ellen Humphrey spoke of their recently published books Jump on the Runnin’ Board by Robyn Albright and My Mountain Friend by Mary Ellen Humphrey. If you are interested in obtaining a copy please contact...
Ripley Library Celebrates!
The Grand Reopening took place on Saturday, September 18th as more than seventy people were in attendance to enjoy the newly renovated library. Guest speakers included County Executive PJ Wendel, CCLS Library Board President Barbara Kittle, Ripley Library Board President Earl Freling, and Ripley Library Director,...
Event: Local Authors – Robyn Albright and Mary Ellen Humphrey
Join us on September 21st, as we welcome local authors Robyn Albright and Mary Ellen Humphrey to speak about their newest books! Robyn Albright has released her first book, a memoir of her father and how his life of abuse and neglect impacted her own. From...
Upcoming Events
10:30 am Event: Stay and Play
Event: Stay and Play
Feb 11 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Open to all children ages newborn to 3 years old. Parents /Caregivers must remain with the child at all times. Great socialization for babies and adults. Refreshments will be served.
10:30 am Event: Armchair exercises
Event: Armchair exercises
Feb 12 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Armchair Exercises are conducted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10:30 am. Join us by the library’s big screen tv, and YouTube will guide us through our exercises! See you there!
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